- A3400 between B4035 and A429, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP255440)
- A3400 between A422 and A3400 Bridgeway, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP205548)
- A3400 between B4089 and A4189, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP150650)
- A3400 between A4390 and A422, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP205540)
- A3400 between A3400 Bridge Foot and A439, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP205551)
- A3400 between Warwickshire boundary and B4035, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP269348)
- A3400 between A429 and A4390, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP216500)
- A3400 between A4189 and M40, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP158700)
- A3400 between A46(T) and B4089, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP175599)
- A3400 between A3400 Guild St and A439, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP203551)
- A3400 between A3400 Warwick Rd and A4390, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP201551)
- A3400 between A4390 and Oakleigh Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP194560)
- A3400 between Bridgeway and Warwick Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP203550)
- A3400 between M40 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP154715)
- A3400 between Oakleigh Rd, Stratford-on-Avon and A46, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP190566)
- A38 between Warwickshire boundary and A453, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP152977)
- A38 between Warwickshire boundary and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP156964)
- A38 between Warwickshire boundary and M6 Toll, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP156964)
- A38 between M6 Toll and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP156966)
- A38 between Warwickshire boundary and M6 Toll, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP152977)
- A38 between M6 Toll and A453, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP150985)
- A4023 between Warwickshire boundary and A435(T), Warwickshire (Grid ref SP084680)
- A4071 between A4071 split and Lawford Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP480736)
- A4071 between A45 and A4071 merge, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP452718)
- A4071 between A45 and A4071 merge, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP453720)
- A4071 between Lawford Lane and A426/A428, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP490744)
- A4071 between A45 and Cawston Grange Roundabout, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP457724)
- A4071 between Cawston Grange Roundabout and A426 / A428, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP493745)
- A4071 between A45 and A428, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP457724)
- A4071 between A428 and Cawston Grange Roundabout, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP491763)
- A4091 between A446(T) and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184950)
- A4097 between M42 and B4098 roundabout, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP200944)
- A4097 between Warwickshire boundary and Farthing Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP180931)
- A4097 between Farthing Lane and M42, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184933)
- A4097 between M6 Toll and M42 Interchange North of Gilson - Junction 8 and M42 Junction 9, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184934)
- A4141 between A4177 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP215720)
- A4177 between A4141 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP237720)
- A4177 between A46 and A4141, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP228700)
- A4189 between A435(T) and A3400, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP101666)
- A4189 between Warwickshire boundary and A435, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP083667)
- A4189 between Purser Drive and A429, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP275644)
- A4189 between A3400 and A429Purser Drive, Warwick, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP180651)
- A422 between C road to Kingley and A435(T), Warwickshire (Grid ref SP082566)
- A422 between Warwickshire boundary and C road to Kingley, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP060570)
- A422 between A429 and B4455, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP270489)
- A422 between The Ridgway and A4390, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP180553)
- A422 between Milestone Drive, Stratford-on-Avon and A429, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP258500)
- A422 between B4455 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP377450)
- A422 between A3400 and Milestone Drive, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP210545)
- A422 between A46(T) and The Ridgway, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP175554)
- A423 between A445 and A45, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP380739)
- A423 between A425 and A426, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP420626)
- A423 between B4453 and A445, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP400710)
- A423 between A426 and B4453 Leamington Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP416649)
- A423 between A425W and A425E, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP420614)
- A423 between Warwickshire boundary and A425, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP436520)
- A423 between A445 and A45, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP371751)
- A425 between A425 Banbury Rd and A452, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP300649)
- A425 between A46(T) and A445, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP279652)
- A425 between B4455 and B4451, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP400617)
- A425 between A423(T) and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP500621)
- A425 between A429 and A429, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP284649)
- A425 between A429 and A425 Myton Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP287647)
- A425 between A445 and A429, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP282650)
- A425 between A452 and B4087, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP314651)
- A425 between B4451 and A423, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP415612)
- A425 between Heathcote Lane and A452, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP293630)
- A425 between Sydenham Drive, Leamington Spa and B4455, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP350643)
- A425 between B4087 and Sydenham Drive, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP327653)
- A425 between A425 Myton Rd and Heathcote Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP290643)
- A4254 between B4114 and A47, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP380915)
- A4254 between B4114 and A444, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP369908)
- A426 between A428 and Brownsover Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP501760)
- A426 between Bilton Lane and B4429 Ashlawn Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP488720)
- A426 between M6 and A5(T), Warwickshire (Grid ref SP521799)
- A426 between B4429 Ashlawn rd and A428, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP500741)
- A426 between A423(T) and Sandford Way, Rugby, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP477700)
- A426 between A5 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP528808)
- A426 between Sandford Way and Bilton Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP481709)
- A426 between Brownsover Rd, Rugby and M6, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP512780)
- A426 between A4112 and Brownsover Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP504768)
- A426 between A428 and A4112, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP501760)
- A428 between B4455 and Parkfield Rd, Rugby, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP450761)
- A428 between Avondale Road and B4455, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP429769)
- A428 between A426 and B4038 Kilsby Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP520741)
- A428 between A46(T) and Avondale Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP395775)
- A428 between B4038 Kilsby Lane and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP550734)
- A428 between Parkfield Rd and A426/A4071, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP495751)
- A429 between A4189 and A425, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP281648)
- A429 between Warwickshire boundary and A3400, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP234400)
- A429 between Woodland Rd, Kenilworth and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP300738)
- A429 between A445 and A445, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP286651)
- A429 between B4455 and A422, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP264480)
- A429 between Alders Grove and A4189, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP279646)
- A429 between A3400 and B4455, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP257450)
- A429 between A425 and A445, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP285650)
- A429 between A425 and A445, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP286650)
- A429 between A422 and M40, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP270599)
- A429 between A445 and Primrose Hill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP289660)
- A429 between A452 and Woodland Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP290730)
- A429 between M40 and Alders Grove, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP272630)
- A429 between Primrose Hill and A46, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP290670)
- A435 between A4189 and A4023, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP085670)
- A435 between A46 and A422, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP084565)
- A435 between A448 and B4497, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP075630)
- A435 between B4497 and A4189, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP079658)
- A435 between A422 and B4089/B4090, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP081575)
- A435 between B4089/B4090 and A448, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP081600)
- A435 between A4023 and Slip roads to Ullenhall Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP090686)
- A439 between A3400 and A46, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP237600)
- A4390 between B439 and A422, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP197546)
- A4390 between A422 and A3400, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP198552)
- A4390 between A3400 and OLD TOWN MEWS, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP200539)
- A4390 between OLD TOWN MEWS and B439, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP196543)
- A4390 between A4300 and A422, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP211536)
- A44 between Warwickshire boundary and A436, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP258299)
- A444 between Ring Rd B4112 Nuneaton and Ring Rd S Intersection, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP363918)
- A444 between A444S and A444N, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP359919)
- A444 between A47 Triangle South and A47 Triangle North, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP365921)
- A444 between M6 Jct 3 and A4254, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP356899)
- A444 between Ring Rd B4112 Nuneation and A47 Triangle South, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP365920)
- A444 between Church Lane, Nuneaton and A5, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP355950)
- A444 between A444 Church St roundabout and A444 Coton Rd roundabout, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP363915)
- A444 between A4254 and Ring Rd S, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP362910)
- A444 between Church St and Leicester Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP365918)
- A444 between Warwickshire boundary and M6, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP341844)
- A444 between A47 and Church Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP363930)
- A445 between A452 and Kenilworth Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP320669)
- A445 between A423 and A45, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP390741)
- A445 between A429 and A452, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP300657)
- A445 between A425 and A429, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP284651)
- A445 between A452 and A452, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP315666)
- A445 between Kenilworth Rd, Leamington Spa and A423, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP350710)
- A446 between Faraday Avenue roundabout and M42 Jct 9, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP188930)
- A446 between Warwickshire boundary and A452 / B4438, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP202850)
- A446 between B4114 and B4117 Cole End, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP195890)
- A446 between M42 and A446 Stonebridge Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP199854)
- A446 between M6 Jct 4 and B4117 Wheeley Moor, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP200870)
- A446 between M42 JCT 9 and A4091, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP185940)
- A446 between B4117 Cole End and B4118, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP195900)
- A446 between A4091 and A38, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP152980)
- A446 between B4117 Wheeley Moor and B4114, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP198880)
- A446 between A452 / B4438 and M6 J4, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP200863)
- A446 between B4118 and Faraday Avenue roundabout, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP187920)
- A448 between Warwickshire boundary and A435, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP050638)
- A45 between A4071 and M45, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP460717)
- A45 between A423(T) and A445, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP375750)
- A45 between M45 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP498700)
- A45 between A452 boundary and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP220831)
- A45 between A445 and A4071, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP400739)
- A45 between Warwickshire boundary and A423, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP367754)
- A45 between B4102 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP236828)
- A45 between A452 boundary and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP216831)
- A452 between A429 and B4103 Clinton Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP280731)
- A452 between A425 and A445, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP314656)
- A452 between A46 and Bullimore Grove, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP295707)
- A452 between A425 Banbury rd and Gallows Hill roundabout, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP301630)
- A452 between M40 jn13 and A425, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP300618)
- A452 between B4113 and B4115, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP306696)
- A452 between A425 and M40, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP290621)
- A452 between Northumberland Rd and B4113, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP315680)
- A452 between B4103 and A429, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP289720)
- A452 between B4115 and A46, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP300702)
- A452 between Bullimore Grove and B4103, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP291711)
- A452 between B4103 Clinton Lane and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP270738)
- A452 between Gallows Hill roundabout and A425 Myton Rd/Old Warwick Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP307647)
- A452 between A445 and Northumberland Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP317670)
- A46 between M40 and A4177, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP266650)
- A46 between Warwickshire boundary and A428, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP379766)
- A46 between A452 and C road to Stoneleigh, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP311720)
- A46 between A4177 and A429/B4115, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP280668)
- A46 between A439 and M40, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP249615)
- A46 between Warwickshire boundary and M6, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP390821)
- A46 between C road to Stoneleigh and A45/A444, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP332747)
- A46 between A422 and A3400, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP178560)
- A46 between A428 and B4082, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP388780)
- A46 between A429/B4115 and A452, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP297700)
- A46 between A3400 and A439, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP199579)
- A46 between A435 and Stratford Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP100566)
- A46 between B4082 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP387800)
- A46 between Stratford rd and A422, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP149559)
- A46 between Warwickshire boundary and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP070497)
- A46 between Warwickshire boundary and A435 / A46, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP082530)
- A4600 between M6 and M69/B4065, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP389825)
- A47 between A47 Leicester Rd and A4254, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP380924)
- A47 between A4254 and A5(T), Warwickshire (Grid ref SP391930)
- A47 between A444 and A47 Leicester Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP367922)
- A47 between A444 and A47 Old Hinckley Rd, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP368922)
- A5 between M42 jn10 and B4116 Holly Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SK250005)
- A5 between Warwickshire boundary and A426, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP520821)
- A5 between A444 and A47S, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP360953)
- A5 between A444 and A444, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP351957)
- A5 between A47 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP394933)
- A5 between A426 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP536792)
- A5 between B4116 Holly Lane and Kennel Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP315978)
- A5 between Kennel Lane, Atherstone and A444, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP340963)
- A5 between M42 jn10 and B4116 Holly Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SK242007)
- A51 between Warwickshire boundary and B4098 roundabout, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP216959)
- B4027, Lutterworth Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP502828)
- B4027, Coventry Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP416792)
- B4029, New Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP395866)
- B4035, Holloway Hill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP326388)
- B4035, Campden Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP238399)
- B4038, Kilsby Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP542731)
- B4065, Church Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP403842)
- B4086, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP384483)
- B4086, Kineton Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP280554)
- B4086, Banbury Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP341509)
- B4086, Kineton Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP285547)
- B4086, Main Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP226560)
- B4087, Oakley Wood Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP311606)
- B4088, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP064539)
- B4090, Alcester Heath, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP070594)
- B4098, Coventry Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP222943)
- B4098, Tamworth Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP275883)
- B4098, Nether Whitacre, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP238919)
- B4098, Tamworth Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP302848)
- B4100, Banbury Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP413462)
- B4100, Banbury Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP319587)
- B4100, Banbury Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP305602)
- B4102, Arbury Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP338909)
- B4102, Meriden Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP275870)
- B4102, Astley Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP321899)
- B4102, Nuneaton Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP280873)
- B4102, Meriden Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP265851)
- B4112, Nuneaton Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP388879)
- B4112, Nuneaton Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP386884)
- B4113, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP347847)
- B4114, Camp Hill Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP332933)
- B4115, Ashow Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP313717)
- B4115, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP304702)
- B4116, Atverstone Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP265937)
- B4116, Long Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP308977)
- B4116, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP303980)
- B4116, Atherstone Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP253921)
- B4118, Birmingham Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP168909)
- B439, Evesham Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP189542)
- B439, Evesham Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP129531)
- B439, Salford Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP093517)
- B4429, Ashlawn Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP507726)
- B4429, Ashlawn Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP515731)
- B4429, Coventry Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP471714)
- B4439, Old Warwick Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP210687)
- B4451, Gaydon Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP374555)
- B4451, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP349529)
- B4453, Lillington, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP326673)
- B4455, Fosseway, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP330580)
- B4455, Fosse Way, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP444814)
- B4455, Fosse Way, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP307535)
- B4455, Fosse Way, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP457846)
- B4455, Fosse Way, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP393690)
- B4455, Fosse Way, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP410724)
- B4533, Straight Mile, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP445718)
- B5000, Warwickshire (Grid ref SK292007)
- B5493, Tamworth Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SK271081)
- B5493, Ashby Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SK256075)
- C, Stratford Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP211452)
- C, Pettiford Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP163644)
- C, The Common, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP276980)
- C, Between Castle Lane and A45(T), Warwickshire (Grid ref SP496683)
- C, Townsend Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP474760)
- C, Dalehouse Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP310731)
- C, Montilo Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP490823)
- C, Alwyn Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP481736)
- C, Woodcote Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP282694)
- C, Warwickshire (Grid ref SK266038)
- C, Lawford Heath Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP466748)
- C, New Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP232488)
- C, Haunchwood Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP339916)
- C, Grump Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP210433)
- C, Weston Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP366702)
- C, Breach Oak Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP308870)
- C, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP229952)
- C, Ilmington Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP232443)
- C, Windmill Hill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP122539)
- C, Deerings Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP532738)
- C, Heanley Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP247958)
- C, Breach Oak Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP299871)
- C, Brunswick Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP322644)
- C, Siskin Drive, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP364748)
- C, Old Brickyard Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP449617)
- C, Manor Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP313969)
- C, Hurley Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP251932)
- C, St George's Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP311984)
- C, Station Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP165475)
- C, Nuthurst Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP305907)
- C, Station Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP224656)
- C, Cromwell Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP270764)
- C, Bridge Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP202549)
- C, Wolverton Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP221633)
- C, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP122646)
- C15, New End Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP235869)
- C18, Newtown Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP345869)
- C206, Mere Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP448876)
- C24, Rouncil Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP287706)
- C41, Gospel Oak Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP193589)
- C46, High Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP149520)
- C71, Darlingscote Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP250412)
- C78, Coppice Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP168987)
- C80, Parkfield Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP489755)
- M40 between J16 and J15, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP200678)
- M40 between J12 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP400500)
- M40 between M42 (3A) and M40 (3A), Warwickshire (Grid ref SP130721)
- M40 between J15 and J14, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP270622)
- M40 between M40 (3A) and J16, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP150710)
- M40 between J13 and J12, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP361560)
- M40 between J14 and J13, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP300607)
- M40 between M40 (3A) and M42 (3A), Warwickshire (Grid ref SP131723)
- M40 between Warwickshire boundary and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP430467)
- M42 between J7A and J8, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP194886)
- M42 between J8 and J9, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184918)
- M42 between J3 and M42, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP100726)
- M42 between J7 and J7A, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP197865)
- M42 between M42 and J3A, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP130723)
- M42 between M6 (4A) and J8, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP180900)
- M42 between J9 and J10, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP200957)
- M42 between M6 and M42 spur, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP197868)
- M42 between J10 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SK270047)
- M42 between J3A and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP132732)
- M42 between M6 Toll and M42 Interchange south of Coleshill and M6 Toll and M42 Interchange south of Gilson, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP192888)
- M42 between M42 and M6 Toll South, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP186900)
- M42 between M42 and M6 Interchange 4a and M42 N and S Interchange M6 Toll, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP180899)
- M42 between M42 and M6 Toll North, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP186902)
- M42 between M6 Toll and M42 Interchange North of Gilson - Junction 8 and M42 Junction 9, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP185931)
- M42, Coleshill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP194873)
- M42 between LA boundary and J7a, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP197865)
- M42, Coleshill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP197873)
- M42, Coleshill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP193888)
- M45 between A45T and A45T, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP481708)
- M45 between A45 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP496706)
- M6 between J4 and M42, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP195866)
- M6 between J1 and J2, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP462813)
- M6 between J3 and J4, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP280856)
- M6 between Warwickshire boundary and J3, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP350847)
- M6 between Warwickshire boundary and J1, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP532790)
- M6 between A446 roundabout and M42, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP198866)
- M6 between A46 / A4600 and Warwickshire boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP385824)
- M6 between J4 and M6 Toll, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP214868)
- M6 between M6 Toll and J3, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP280856)
- M6, Coleshill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP193869)
- M6, Coleshill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP198864)
- M6, Coleshill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP203865)
- M6, Coleshill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP210866)
- M6(T) between Warwickshire boundary and A446, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP152976)
- M6(T) between T3 and A38, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP159964)
- M6(T) between T3 and LA (Birmingham) boundary, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP157967)
- M6(T) between T3 and T3 slip road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP170956)
- M6(T) between T1 and T2, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184941)
- M6(T) between Start and T1, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP191894)
- M6(T) between T3 slip road and T2, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP160964)
- M6(T) between M6 Toll and M6 split and M6 Toll and M42 Interchange south of Coleshill, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP204869)
- M6(T) between M6 Toll and M42 Interchange south of Coleshill and M6 Toll and M42 Interchange south of Gilson - Junction 8, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP192888)
- M6(T) between M6 Toll AND M42 Interchange and M6 Toll T2, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184941)
- M6(T) between M6 Toll T2 and M6 Toll T3, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP170956)
- M6(T) between M6 Toll T2 and Roundabout A446 A 4091, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP182947)
- M6(T) between Gilson - Junction 8 and M6 Toll and M42 Interchange North of Gilson - Junction 8, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP188896)
- M6(T) between M6 Toll and M42 Interchange south of Gilson - Junction 8 and Gilson - Junction 8, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP187907)
- M6(T) between M6 Toll Junction 8 and M6 Toll on Ramp from A4097, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184932)
- M6(T) between M6 Toll on Ramp from A4097 and M6 Toll Junction 8, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184941)
- M6(T) between A4097 and M6 Toll, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP184935)
- M6(T) between LA (Warwickshire) boundary and A38, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP156965)
- M6(T) between Warwickshire boundary and A446, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP150979)
- M6(T) between Gilson - Junction 8 and M6 Toll and M42 Interchange North of Gilson - Junction 8, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP188896)
- M69 between RD SPLIT and J1, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP397845)
- M69 between A46T and M69, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP392824)
- M69 between M6 and M69 merge, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP391828)
- U, Greville Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP299660)
- U, Kingsbridge Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP366927)
- U, Lower Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP537739)
- U, School Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP071514)
- U, Beachfield Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP088571)
- U, Cedar Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP343925)
- U, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP190554)
- U, Peel Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP280658)
- U, Meadow Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP309975)
- U, Beauchamp Avenue, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP318664)
- U, Tysoe Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP332502)
- U, Hayes Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP324936)
- U, Marston Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP366880)
- U, Welsh Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP459585)
- U, Coventry Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP418624)
- U, Clopton Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP199560)
- U, Windy Arbour, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP298719)
- U, Loxley Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP213547)
- U, Brunswick Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP322642)
- U, Bawnmore Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP487733)
- U, Spernal Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP089623)
- U, Temple End, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP366597)
- U, Crackley Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP282755)
- U, Marston Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP373896)
- U, Dordon Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SK258015)
- U, Newton Manor Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP515775)
- U, Heathcote Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP306636)
- U, Kinross Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP328679)
- U, Keenan Drive, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP337862)
- U, Rose Croft, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP282729)
- U, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP324645)
- U, Marlborough Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP356916)
- U, Hornsby Close, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP258411)
- U, Stirling Avenue, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP329685)
- U, Newland Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP332851)
- U, Guy's Cliffe Avenue, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP309660)
- U, Kingsbury Link Piccadilly, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP233983)
- U, Vicarage Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP513635)
- U, Poplar Close, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP098571)
- U, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP177612)
- U, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP410609)
- U, Lapworth Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP182688)
- U, Holbeche Crescent, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP281870)
- U, Windmill Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP349855)
- U, Walford Place, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP526736)
- U, Meadow Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP292653)
- U, Meadowside, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP387901)
- U, Allen Close, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP072629)
- U, Borrowdale Drive, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP306667)
- U, Great William Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP201553)
- U, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP090645)
- U, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP232929)
- U, Back Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP226907)
- U, Brendan Close, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP202880)
- U, Fircroft, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP214971)
- U, Durrell Drive, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP470735)
- U, Warwick Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP290681)
- U, Orkney Close, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP353907)
- U, Wallingford Avenue, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP379933)
- U, Norton Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP196900)
- U, Fieldgate Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP329627)
- U, Gerard Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP099580)
- U, Main Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP468712)
- U, Bath Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP508753)
- U, Stewart Street, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP360911)
- U, Marleigh Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP100522)
- U, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP252593)
- U, Castle Hill Lane, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP309399)
- U, Margaret Avenue, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP354871)
- U, Vicarage Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP466614)
- U, South Parade, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP374597)
- U, St Gregory's Road, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP203554)
- U, Warwickshire (Grid ref SP201964)