- A645 between A638 and Wentworth Rd, Featherstone, Wakefield (Grid ref SE400199)
- A645 between Wentworth Rd and Houndhill Lane, Wakefield (Grid ref SE425199)
- A645 between Houndhill Lane and Queen's Ave, Wakefield (Grid ref SE440206)
- A645 between Queen's Ave and A639, Wakefield (Grid ref SE450215)
- A645 between A639 and A645 spur, Wakefield (Grid ref SE481231)
- A645 between A645 spur and A645 spur, Wakefield (Grid ref SE482232)
- A645 between A645 spur and Trundles Lane, Wakefield (Grid ref SE500238)
- A645 between Trundles Lane and Wakefield boundary, Wakefield (Grid ref SE515237)
- A645 between North Yorkshire boundary and A19, North Yorkshire (Grid ref SE546242)
- A645 between A19 and North Yorkshire boundary, North Yorkshire (Grid ref SE586224)
- A645 between East Riding of Yorkshire boundary and A1041, East Riding of Yorkshire (Grid ref SE620210)
- A645 between A1041(T) and North Yorkshire boundary, North Yorkshire (Grid ref SE680252)
- A645 between East Riding of Yorkshire boundary and A614, East Riding of Yorkshire (Grid ref SE696242)