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A523 between A54 and East Cheshire boundary, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ924644)
C, Tunstall Road, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ912650)
A54 between St John's Rd, Congleton and A523, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ900660)
C, Bullgate Lane, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ906669)
C402, Barlow Hill, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ955665)
A523 between Staffordshire boundary and B5331, Staffordshire (Grid ref SJ943610)
U, Overton Road, Staffordshire (Grid ref SJ899613)
C, Staffordshire (Grid ref SJ905599)
A527 between East Cheshire boundary and Leek Rd, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ879615)
A527 between Grange Rd, Biddulph and Staffordshire boundary, Staffordshire (Grid ref SJ886605)
U, St John's Road, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ869638)
A54 between A527 and St John's Rd, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ869637)
A523 between A536 and Winterton Way, Macclesfield, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ915700)
A527 between Leek Rd and A54, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ870625)
U, Grange Road, Staffordshire (Grid ref SJ893595)
U, Canal Road, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ863624)
A34 between A54 and A536, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ860636)
A54 between A34 and A527, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ860630)
U, Greenway Road, Staffordshire (Grid ref SJ892585)
A536 between A34 and Moss View Rd, Macclesfield, East Cheshire (Grid ref SJ886700)