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U, Icknield Walk, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL364412)
A505 between A10 and Hertfordshire boundary, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL370412)
A10 between Sun Hill and Melbourn Rd, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL359406)
A10 between Melbourn Rd, Royston and A505, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL361420)
U, Burns Road, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL354418)
A505 between A1198 and A10, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL360424)
A10 between Shrubbery Grove and Sun Hill, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL357401)
U, Stake Piece Road, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL352403)
A505 between Baldock Rd roundabout and A1198, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL350420)
A1198 between A505 and A603, Cambridgeshire (Grid ref TL349429)
B1039, N/a, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL383396)
A505 between Cambridgeshire boundary and B1368 Barley Rd, Cambridgeshire (Grid ref TL400425)
A505 between A507 and Baldock Rd (non-A505), Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL327400)
U, Church Close, Cambridgeshire (Grid ref TL330441)
U, Whitecroft Road, Cambridgeshire (Grid ref TL373457)
B1368, High Street, Hertfordshire (Grid ref TL384357)
U, Fowlmere Road, Cambridgeshire (Grid ref TL426417)
A10 between A505 and M11, Cambridgeshire (Grid ref TL400475)
C, Long Lane, Cambridgeshire (Grid ref TL420460)
C, Flecks Lane, Cambridgeshire (Grid ref TL294455)