- A3052 between A376 Exmouth Road and B3180, Devon (Grid ref SY000907)
- A3052 between B3180 and B3178 Exmouth Road, Devon (Grid ref SY053900)
- A3052 between B3178 Exmouth Road and B3176 / C, Devon (Grid ref SY100895)
- A3052 between B3176 (mid-junction) and road to Stowford Rise, Devon (Grid ref SY112899)
- A3052 between road to Stowfrod Rise and A375 School Street/Sidford Road, Devon (Grid ref SY130899)
- A3052 between A3754 School Street/Sidford Road and Harcombe Lane East, Devon (Grid ref SY136900)
- A3052 between Harcombe Lane East, Sidmouth and Seaton Road, Devon (Grid ref SY164900)
- A3052 between C Seaton Road and B 3174 Hollyhead Road, Devon (Grid ref SY200909)
- A3052 between B3174 Hollyhead Road and B3161 Coly Road, Devon (Grid ref SY250924)
- A3052 between B3161 Coly Road and A358, Devon (Grid ref SY257926)
- A3052 between A358 and Devon boundary, Devon (Grid ref SY300912)
- A3052 between Dorset boundary and A35 Woods Farm Roundabout, Dorset (Grid ref SY354939)