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A307, Kingston upon Thames, Kingston upon Thames

Location Map

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Traffic Region: London

Traffic Authority: Kingston upon Thames

Road Number: A307

Road Type: Class A Principal road in Urban area

OS Grid: TQ180689

Location: Kingston upon Thames

Census Point ID: 58328

Census Point Coverage: A307 between B3365 and A240

Traffic by Year

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Traffic statistics by year: All traffic

Pedal Cycles15817499144124126157202237257242240207194219251259253
Motorcycles and Mopeds314339233241230212230225220208238236257195202191205213
Buses and Coaches341365481554633676709713724764729753742747717687727698
Light Goods Vehicles1,5411,5461,0411,1461,0851,1081,0991,1231,0991,0716456426271,3091,3531,4071,4521,440
Two-axle Rigid HGVs8074355320353333331371361339160160169300275273268263
Three-axle Rigid HGVs636921202321212326261415172020212021
Four-axle Rigid HGVs1010991111111414143344140405648
Three-axle Articulated HGVs888888776500000000
Five-axle Articulated HGVs66222212112221110999
Six-axle Articulated HGVs22222444442221414141615
All HGVs169169397361399379375421412389181182194385358356368357
All motor vehicles16,11616,18415,40415,28915,49015,37315,65015,52015,19415,06914,20314,18613,95615,74415,77615,74415,58415,534

Traffic statistics by year: Eastbound

Pedal Cycles798748706061769811512511111095
Motorcycles and Mopeds136147144149142131142139136129130129140
Buses and Coaches166178232267305326342344349368360372367
Light Goods Vehicles696698586645611624619632619603858583
Two-axle Rigid HGVs4239179161178168167187182171757579
Three-axle Rigid HGVs30331211131212131515667
Four-axle Rigid HGVs5544555666334
Three-axle Articulated HGVs5577776654000
Five-axle Articulated HGVs3322221211000
Six-axle Articulated HGVs1111122222111
All HGVs8686205186206196193216211199858591
All motor vehicles7,1607,1919,1529,0729,1839,1099,2729,1878,9918,9147,4777,4687,348

Traffic statistics by year: Westbound

Pedal Cycles79875174646581104122132131130112
Motorcycles and Mopeds1781928992888188868479108107116
Buses and Coaches175187249287328350367369375396369381375
Light Goods Vehicles845848455501474484480491480468560557544
Two-axle Rigid HGVs3835176159175165164184179168858590
Three-axle Rigid HGVs33369910991011118910
Four-axle Rigid HGVs5555666888000
Three-axle Articulated HGVs3311111111000
Five-axle Articulated HGVs3300000000222
Six-axle Articulated HGVs1111122222111
All HGVs83831921751931831822052011909697103
All motor vehicles8,9568,9936,2526,2176,3076,2646,3786,3336,2036,1556,7266,7186,608

Traffic statistics by year: Northbound

Pedal Cycles8090103170104
Motorcycles and Mopeds89938810698
Buses and Coaches383367352360358
Light Goods Vehicles708732761784779
Two-axle Rigid HGVs179164163154157
Three-axle Rigid HGVs1111121012
Four-axle Rigid HGVs2120202024
Three-axle Articulated HGVs00000
Five-axle Articulated HGVs44444
Six-axle Articulated HGVs78788
All HGVs222207206197205
All motor vehicles8,3738,3898,3748,3718,260

Traffic statistics by year: Southbound

Pedal Cycles114129148243149
Motorcycles and Mopeds106110104125115
Buses and Coaches364349335342340
Light Goods Vehicles601621646665661
Two-axle Rigid HGVs121111110105106
Three-axle Rigid HGVs991089
Four-axle Rigid HGVs2019191923
Three-axle Articulated HGVs00000
Five-axle Articulated HGVs66656
Six-axle Articulated HGVs67677
All HGVs163152151145152
All motor vehicles7,3717,3877,3717,3757,274


Figures are daily averages calculated from all traffic counts over the course of the year.

Values are rounded to the nearest whole number.

A value of zero for any entry means that there were either no recorded vehicles of that type or too few to register after rounding.

A blank value means that there were no counts made in that year.

Click or tap on the column headings to see a pie chart of the data.

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

Road Traffic Statistics UK is a Good Stuff website.

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