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A780, Dumfries and Galloway, Dumfries & Galloway

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Traffic Region: Scotland

Traffic Authority: Dumfries & Galloway

Road Number: A780

Road Type: Class A Principal road in Urban area

OS Grid: NX966760

Location: Dumfries and Galloway

Census Point ID: 74300

Census Point Coverage: A780 between A710 and A76

Traffic by Year

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Traffic statistics by year: All traffic

Pedal Cycles10298102917463986168717179757472676259
Motorcycles and Mopeds726977991171519597102454040404241434343
Buses and Coaches122128109766563626359132141153170191240283262245
Light Goods Vehicles6887097928369671,1441,3651,3921,4729149341,0551,1891,1011,1701,2361,3501,421
Two-axle Rigid HGVs9910110710911513514514815410210610810910590848585
Three-axle Rigid HGVs182124262933343641141416171817171717
Four-axle Rigid HGVs55557891011555666566
Three-axle Articulated HGVs987775644111111111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs1097764444222222222
Six-axle Articulated HGVs911111313131717158888910111112
All HGVs150155161167177198215219229132136140143141125121122122
All motor vehicles7,0996,7897,1827,4817,7998,1008,5698,3378,5208,2998,2788,5278,5758,5108,7448,8919,0989,098

Traffic statistics by year: Eastbound

Pedal Cycles5755575141355534383837353231
Motorcycles and Mopeds4745506476986263662827282728
Buses and Coaches66695941353434343290113133127115
Light Goods Vehicles424437488515596705841858907629668705718811
Two-axle Rigid HGVs4950535457677273765245424342
Three-axle Rigid HGVs10121415171920212487777
Four-axle Rigid HGVs33334556722222
Three-axle Articulated HGVs76555443300000
Five-axle Articulated HGVs33222111100000
Six-axle Articulated HGVs56677799855666
All HGVs77808386921031111131196760575858
All motor vehicles4,4434,2464,4944,6844,8845,0705,3605,2125,3265,0035,1365,2175,1575,340

Traffic statistics by year: Westbound

Pedal Cycles4543454033284327303534323029
Motorcycles and Mopeds2524273541533334361514151415
Buses and Coaches565950353029282927101127150143129
Light Goods Vehicles264272304321371439524534565473502531540610
Two-axle Rigid HGVs5051545558687375785245424342
Three-axle Rigid HGVs891011121414151710910910
Four-axle Rigid HGVs22223344443334
Three-axle Articulated HGVs22222121111111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs76554333322222
Six-axle Articulated HGVs45566688755666
All HGVs7375788185951041061107365636464
All motor vehicles2,6562,5432,6882,7972,9153,0303,2093,1253,1943,5073,6083,6743,6323,758

Traffic statistics by year: Northbound

Pedal Cycles37374139
Motorcycles and Mopeds29262626
Buses and Coaches62667280
Light Goods Vehicles522533602678
Two-axle Rigid HGVs51535454
Three-axle Rigid HGVs6678
Four-axle Rigid HGVs2222
Three-axle Articulated HGVs0000
Five-axle Articulated HGVs0000
Six-axle Articulated HGVs4444
All HGVs63656768
All motor vehicles4,8904,8755,0195,042

Traffic statistics by year: Southbound

Pedal Cycles34343836
Motorcycles and Mopeds16141414
Buses and Coaches70758190
Light Goods Vehicles392401453510
Two-axle Rigid HGVs51535454
Three-axle Rigid HGVs88910
Four-axle Rigid HGVs3333
Three-axle Articulated HGVs1111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs2222
Six-axle Articulated HGVs4444
All HGVs69717374
All motor vehicles3,4093,4033,5083,533


Figures are daily averages calculated from all traffic counts over the course of the year.

Values are rounded to the nearest whole number.

A value of zero for any entry means that there were either no recorded vehicles of that type or too few to register after rounding.

A blank value means that there were no counts made in that year.

Click or tap on the column headings to see a pie chart of the data.

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Road Traffic Statistics UK is a Good Stuff website.

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