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A859, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

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Traffic Region: Scotland

Traffic Authority: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Road Number: A859

Road Type: Class A Principal road in Rural area

OS Grid: NB387307

Location: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Census Point ID: 50921

Census Point Coverage: A859 between B897 and A958

Traffic by Year

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Traffic statistics by year: All traffic

Pedal Cycles22223
Motorcycles and Mopeds779125
Buses and Coaches1516171754
Light Goods Vehicles698698722788514
Two-axle Rigid HGVs6460615859
Three-axle Rigid HGVs3033363619
Four-axle Rigid HGVs88995
Three-axle Articulated HGVs00004
Five-axle Articulated HGVs433316
Six-axle Articulated HGVs333313
All HGVs109107112109116
All motor vehicles2,9362,9863,1093,2582,966

Traffic statistics by year: Northbound

Pedal Cycles3
Motorcycles and Mopeds0
Buses and Coaches24
Light Goods Vehicles254
Two-axle Rigid HGVs31
Three-axle Rigid HGVs9
Four-axle Rigid HGVs4
Three-axle Articulated HGVs0
Five-axle Articulated HGVs7
Six-axle Articulated HGVs2
All HGVs53
All motor vehicles1,487

Traffic statistics by year: Southbound

Pedal Cycles0
Motorcycles and Mopeds5
Buses and Coaches30
Light Goods Vehicles260
Two-axle Rigid HGVs28
Three-axle Rigid HGVs10
Four-axle Rigid HGVs1
Three-axle Articulated HGVs4
Five-axle Articulated HGVs9
Six-axle Articulated HGVs11
All HGVs63
All motor vehicles1,479


Figures are daily averages calculated from all traffic counts over the course of the year.

Values are rounded to the nearest whole number.

A value of zero for any entry means that there were either no recorded vehicles of that type or too few to register after rounding.

A blank value means that there were no counts made in that year.

Click or tap on the column headings to see a pie chart of the data.

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

Road Traffic Statistics UK is a Good Stuff website.

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