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A469, Caerphilly, Caerphilly

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Traffic Region: Wales

Traffic Authority: Caerphilly

Road Number: A469

Road Type: Class A Principal road in Urban area

OS Grid: ST145858

Location: Caerphilly

Census Point ID: 70371

Census Point Coverage: A469 between Watford Rd (minor road) and A468

Traffic by Year

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Traffic statistics by year: All traffic

Pedal Cycles8887658516161618171716151414
Motorcycles and Mopeds282930422823201919212016151716141414
Buses and Coaches232424242018171511111313141514151413
Light Goods Vehicles3833854134484945275355627577688219169279631,0301,0801,1801,242
Two-axle Rigid HGVs454341394853514748444646474748464646
Three-axle Rigid HGVs333344434444455555
Four-axle Rigid HGVs11111111161718192222233333
Three-axle Articulated HGVs111111112222111111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs000000001111111111
Six-axle Articulated HGVs000000000000000000
All HGVs605856546975747057535555555658555656
All motor vehicles5,6795,5205,6275,4835,5905,3935,3065,2528,7908,9748,9819,0488,9348,9049,1849,3919,6189,618

Traffic statistics by year: Northbound

Pedal Cycles111111111010101110
Motorcycles and Mopeds181920281915131310111088
Buses and Coaches161717171413121166778
Light Goods Vehicles175176189205226241245257399405433483489
Two-axle Rigid HGVs19181716202221192523242424
Three-axle Rigid HGVs2222333233333
Four-axle Rigid HGVs77771011111211111
Three-axle Articulated HGVs0000000011111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs0000000011111
Six-axle Articulated HGVs0000000000000
All HGVs28272625333635333129303030
All motor vehicles2,7792,7022,7542,6842,7332,6332,5892,5624,5224,6174,6214,6574,599

Traffic statistics by year: Southbound

Pedal Cycles7776547466677
Motorcycles and Mopeds1010101498769101088
Buses and Coaches7777655455667
Light Goods Vehicles208209224243268286290305358363388433438
Two-axle Rigid HGVs26252423283130282321222222
Three-axle Rigid HGVs1111111111111
Four-axle Rigid HGVs4444667711111
Three-axle Articulated HGVs1111111111111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs0000000000000
Six-axle Articulated HGVs0000000000000
All HGVs32313029363939372624252525
All motor vehicles2,9002,8182,8732,7992,8572,7602,7172,6904,2684,3574,3604,3914,335

Traffic statistics by year: Eastbound

Pedal Cycles1010998
Motorcycles and Mopeds98777
Buses and Coaches88887
Light Goods Vehicles508543570612655
Two-axle Rigid HGVs2425242524
Three-axle Rigid HGVs44444
Four-axle Rigid HGVs11112
Three-axle Articulated HGVs10111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs11111
Six-axle Articulated HGVs00000
All HGVs3132303131
All motor vehicles4,5844,7294,8354,9794,954

Traffic statistics by year: Westbound

Pedal Cycles76655
Motorcycles and Mopeds98777
Buses and Coaches77776
Light Goods Vehicles455487511548587
Two-axle Rigid HGVs2223222322
Three-axle Rigid HGVs11111
Four-axle Rigid HGVs11112
Three-axle Articulated HGVs10111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs00000
Six-axle Articulated HGVs00000
All HGVs2526252625
All motor vehicles4,3204,4554,5554,6894,664


Figures are daily averages calculated from all traffic counts over the course of the year.

Values are rounded to the nearest whole number.

A value of zero for any entry means that there were either no recorded vehicles of that type or too few to register after rounding.

A blank value means that there were no counts made in that year.

Click or tap on the column headings to see a pie chart of the data.

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

Road Traffic Statistics UK is a Good Stuff website.

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