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A6038, Baildon, Bradford

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Traffic Region: Yorkshire and The Humber

Traffic Authority: Bradford

Road Number: A6038

Road Type: Class A Principal road in Urban area

OS Grid: SE160386

Location: Baildon

Census Point ID: 77670

Census Point Coverage: A6038 between A657 and Centenary Road

Traffic by Year

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Traffic statistics by year: All traffic

Pedal Cycles6260625513011012276182182183202191189183170180172
Motorcycles and Mopeds707476108211173182174146163155131125140134118131132
Buses and Coaches1181241251211261182061871151131281211321381321436662
Light Goods Vehicles1,6701,6821,8031,9581,8451,9662,0242,1311,9071,9362,0682,3082,3352,4272,5962,7222,2552,373
Two-axle Rigid HGVs370353334324304330298277326296315320324326334317239237
Three-axle Rigid HGVs364142435254383661616167737988906162
Four-axle Rigid HGVs383737393136363661574957657481774041
Three-axle Articulated HGVs31252323302520161211131186561920
Five-axle Articulated HGVs816456507964907953464446413932316362
Six-axle Articulated HGVs222224262222272623232325242423222324
All HGVs578542516505518531509470536494505526534548563542445446
All motor vehicles17,23316,76117,08816,72117,69117,09116,48516,31016,10516,40116,46916,65816,48616,49517,02617,39617,60017,609

Traffic statistics by year: Northbound

Pedal Cycles28272825
Motorcycles and Mopeds35373854
Buses and Coaches55585856
Light Goods Vehicles827833893970
Two-axle Rigid HGVs196187177172
Three-axle Rigid HGVs15171717
Four-axle Rigid HGVs21202021
Three-axle Articulated HGVs16131212
Five-axle Articulated HGVs42332926
Six-axle Articulated HGVs13131415
All HGVs303283269263
All motor vehicles8,7798,5368,7008,510

Traffic statistics by year: Southbound

Pedal Cycles34333430
Motorcycles and Mopeds35373854
Buses and Coaches63666765
Light Goods Vehicles843849910988
Two-axle Rigid HGVs174166157152
Three-axle Rigid HGVs21242526
Four-axle Rigid HGVs17171718
Three-axle Articulated HGVs15121111
Five-axle Articulated HGVs39312724
Six-axle Articulated HGVs991011
All HGVs275259247242
All motor vehicles8,4548,2258,3888,211

Traffic statistics by year: Eastbound

Pedal Cycles655548309999100110104103100936383
Motorcycles and Mopeds10586918777868269667470624358
Buses and Coaches58541049460596763697269743332
Light Goods Vehicles9319921,0091,0629089229851,0991,1121,1561,2361,2961,1691,220
Two-axle Rigid HGVs147159158147173157167170172173177168119122
Three-axle Rigid HGVs2829191831313134374045462829
Four-axle Rigid HGVs1922171731292529333841392223
Three-axle Articulated HGVs17141087676433356
Five-axle Articulated HGVs4032433825222122201915153135
Six-axle Articulated HGVs77161512121213121312111113
All HGVs258263263243279257263274278285293283216228
All motor vehicles9,0018,6938,3878,2968,5278,6858,7148,8008,7068,7048,9799,1718,8478,575

Traffic statistics by year: Westbound

Pedal Cycles6555744683838392878683776789
Motorcycles and Mopeds10687918769777362596663565574
Buses and Coaches68641029355546158636663683130
Light Goods Vehicles9149741,0151,0699991,0141,0831,2091,2231,2711,3601,4261,1041,153
Two-axle Rigid HGVs157171140130153139148150152153157149112115
Three-axle Rigid HGVs2425191830303033363943443133
Four-axle Rigid HGVs1214191930282428323640381717
Three-axle Articulated HGVs1311108556533231214
Five-axle Articulated HGVs3932474128242324212017162427
Six-axle Articulated HGVs151511111111111211121111911
All HGVs260268246227257237242252256263269260205218
All motor vehicles8,6908,3988,0988,0147,5787,7167,7557,8587,7817,7918,0468,2259,3309,034


Figures are daily averages calculated from all traffic counts over the course of the year.

Values are rounded to the nearest whole number.

A value of zero for any entry means that there were either no recorded vehicles of that type or too few to register after rounding.

A blank value means that there were no counts made in that year.

Click or tap on the column headings to see a pie chart of the data.

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Road Traffic Statistics UK is a Good Stuff website.

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