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M8 between M73 and LA boundary, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS694640)
A8 between LA boundary and A752, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS697638)
A89 between M8 and A752, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS697645)
M73 between LA boundary and J2, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS690634)
A89 between A8 and M73, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS687642)
A8 between A89 and M8/M73, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS687641)
A752 between A89 and LA boundary, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS699647)
A752 between A8 and A89, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS703642)
M73 between J2 and LA boundary, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS696650)
A752 between Tannochside Drive and A8, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS702630)
A752 between Glasgow City boundary and LA boundary, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS700652)
M73 between M74 and North Lanarkshire boundary, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS688627)
M8 between J9 and M73, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS683651)
A74 between M74 / M73 and LA boundary, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS684621)
A721 between M73 / M74 and B7001 Old Edinburgh Rd, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS687619)
A74 between Glasgow City boundary and M74 jn3, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS679623)
M74 between J4 and LA boundary, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS684620)
M74 between Glasgow City boundary and J3, Glasgow City (Grid ref NS679622)
A752 between A721 and Tannochside Drive, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS700617)
A721 between B7001 Old Edinburgh Rd and A752, North Lanarkshire (Grid ref NS690616)